
Sunkissed Hill
Bay's a bad Bee | Dew+Falling+Muddy+Little+Bay+Rose (Feb 3, 2022 20:45:10 GMT -5)
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Reaching skywards among the fields, the Sunkissed Hill is a fine place for sunbathing and lounging in the early morning, but to most apprentices it's a place of testing. A little rockier than the rest of the territory, the hill offers open areas to spar and train, and it's many mentors' favorite location for teaching their young. SunClan's winding stream grows thicker here and cuts right through the heart of the Hill, where many poor apprentices have been thrown in by laughing friends.
Fireflower Fields
A Salt In Wounds | Dew + Morning + Snap (Nov 18, 2021 15:03:28 GMT -5)
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Sacred to SunClan, Fireflower Fields is home to lush golden flowers that begin glowing under the beauty of the sunset and throughout the night. Only does their light fade when the sun peaks over the mountain during the dawn of the next day. These flowers are often used to decorate dens, providing a light source within SunClan's camp and often used as a 'torch' to navigate the dark territory at night.
Whispering Woods
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Rich with the scents of the earth, Whispering Woods is a place that offers respite from the sun's heat, with tall trees that offer cool shade to the cats below. A gentle breeze is always dancing through the undergrowth to playfully tug at passing warriors, and the forest is alive with the vibrant colors of shifting leaves, bright berries and small mushrooms. There's plentiful prey to be found, for those patient enough to track mice and squirrels through the bushes and branches.
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Sunclan Territory

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Sunclan Territory
The great expanse of SunClan territory is made up of bright fields and open meadows, with one of the mountain's richest forest areas to offer prey, herbs and relaxation. Both lean runners and thoughtful trackers feel at home in these parts, where color is abundant and resources are never scarce. The heat is not an issue, as the sunlit territory is connected by the same running waters — sometimes a trickling stream where kittens play, other times a rushing river, these sun-blessed waterlines keep the clanners fresh, as well as offering prey of a more scaly kind. One should always be mindful of enemies, as foxes, raccoons and eagles lurk nearby, but under the Sun's watchful eye the clanners are sure to thrive in this new territory.
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Bay's a bad Bee | Dew+Falling+Muddy+Little+Bay+Rose ( Feb 3, 2022 20:45:10 GMT -5 )
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