
Starlit Forest
A Promise Made is Not A Promise Kept { Withered + Spirit } (Dec 12, 2021 0:13:33 GMT -5)
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If you follow the stream from the lake, or are coming from the camp, instantly you’ll be met with a swath of trees all around you. Pines, oaks, and so forth. by day they look like ordinary trees — an ordinary forest — but by night there’s a beauty to them. Once darkness has completely blanketed the sky, the moss and mushrooms that litter the forest and grass begin to glow. Generally soft and ethereal shades of blue or green, this strip of woodland is particular for its glow; no one knows why it’s this strip only, but it’s the pride and joy of all MoonClan cats. It's a hot spot for young cats to confess their love, and medicine cats of old claim that the glowing moss and shrooms have healing properties yet to be discovered.
The Tangled Root
A Tangled Practice - Pipit & Rain (May 26, 2022 6:17:28 GMT -5)
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Long ago, when the clans were first founded, a brave apprentice known as Rootpaw was the first cat to climb MoonClan's other beautiful yet odd landmark. A tall tree sits as perfect climbing and hunting practice, but what stands out are the massive branch-root like structure it has. Thick and sturdy, and seemingly old as time, this tree is sturdy enough to be climbed upon by budding apprentices and is frequented by birds and squirrels making it a delight for those of ThunderClan origin. Rootpaw was the first to ascend to the very top, a practice now strictly frowned upon by mentors and leadership alike, but due to his achievement it was renamed the tangled root in his honor.
Haunted Lake
A friend made of Clay (Nov 27, 2021 23:40:46 GMT -5)
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Past the trees that make up the majority of their home, and towards the middle of MoonClan territory, is haunted lake. Water that flows from various streams from the mountain branch off from the main circuit and curve through their territory, leading into a decent sized lake. It’s surrounded by rotted trees and muddy, marshy ground underfoot; much like some of ShadowClan's old territory. The clearing that leads to the lake is wide enough to spot cats on any side and some use it for frog or water vole hunting. At night, one can see the moon and stars in its large body of water and some say spirits walk to this lake after passing in order to ascend to the stars; giving it an eerie and somber feel.
Moonclan Territory
The vast majority of MoonClan territory is made up of swaths of woodland. With thick and intertwining branches overhead, the territory is naturally darker and cooler with the sunlight coming down during the day in scattered bands of sunshine. While not as dense with undergrowth as old ThunderClan, there’s still enough shrubbery, the occasional jabs of boulder dens and — towards the lake — sticky mud that provides more of a swampy environment. Badgers and foxes are the common enemies here, making nests, scouring for food, while owls tend to frequent the air above, utilizing gaps in the canopy to swoop down on the unsuspecting mouse or cat. By nightfall the territory is much darker, though navigational for MoonClanners as the darkness is never permanent. Once you hit the starlit forest, you’re greeted by light. Otherwise, you can follow one of the many streams that cut through to haunted lake and enjoy not only an easier stretch to walk through but more freedom to see.
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A Tangled Practice - Pipit & Rain ( May 26, 2022 6:17:28 GMT -5 )
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