The Tangled Root
Long ago, when the clans were first founded, a brave apprentice known as Rootpaw was the first cat to climb MoonClan's other beautiful yet odd landmark. A tall tree sits as perfect climbing and hunting practice, but what stands out are the massive branch-root like structure it has. Thick and sturdy, and seemingly old as time, this tree is sturdy enough to be climbed upon by budding apprentices and is frequented by birds and squirrels making it a delight for those of ThunderClan origin. Rootpaw was the first to ascend to the very top, a practice now strictly frowned upon by mentors and leadership alike, but due to his achievement it was renamed the tangled root in his honor.
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A Tangled Practice - Pipit & Rain ( May 26, 2022 6:17:28 GMT -5 )
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